The Wall Street Journal noticed the splash that IndieShop has made in the indie fashion world. Their Thursday, June 17th article entitled, Crafts, Clothes and Clout discusses the growing popularity and influence of the smaller, independent designers. “What Sundance did for indie film – showcasing it for a bigger audience…Web sites are doing for the little guys of design. And starting this week, you can turn on your television and tune into IndieShop, which aims to take independent designs into living rooms all across America.” Technology, the Internet, and the Big Fashion labels themselves are to blame for the handcrafted, hand-made, “Indie” trend. Selling the same products the world over, the Big Boys just don’t have the same cache as the independents artisans. “These days, the ‘buy local’ movement has whetted shoppers’ appetite for a greater sense of connection with their goods’ creators.” Although using TV to drive hipsters to the web is untested, CEO of IndieShop’s parent company Marc Krigsman quotes, “We fully believe that television is the major driver of traffic to (” IndieShop brainchild Melissa Perrucci quit her job, and while travelling the world realized there was an under-served consumer…”who’d rather have their money go to a person, a face, rather than a big company.” For the full article, go to .

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